
Thursday, March 20, 2014


It's hard to believe it's the third Thursday of the month already!  Though I've been anxiously waiting for signs of Spring - which I'm beginning to see, though none are yellow - time still seems to fly by.  Paradoxical, isn't it? Coincidentally, in fact, I believe today is the first day of Spring, also known as the Vernal equinox, when the sun crosses the plane of the equator, making night and day approximately the same length all over the earth. Here are a couple of graphics for you (sorry, not yellow):

Since I'm not seeing much yellow in my surroundings right now, I thought I'd start with some of my favorite flower photos from Glacier National Park, in the northwest corner of Montana.

Oh, yes, it's a glorious place!

Next, a selection of  some of my older pieces of art that prominantly feature yellow:

 Transformation 24


 Transformation 4

Icarus Reborn

And finally, here is what I'm dreaming of:

Head on over to Jennifer Coyne Qudeen's beautiful blog for more yellow!

Happy Spring (or Happy Fall, as the case my be), everyone!


  1. A beautiful selection! I'm so wishing for some daffodils to finally show up...but alas...not yet! Your artwork is spectacular! Thanks for playing.

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm anxiously inspecting the ground for signs of spring, myself!

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  2. Going to Glacier Park is at the tops of my wish list! Wonderful yellows here

    1. Thanks, Bridgette! You should definitely go to Glacier - it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen!

  3. Sumptuous images, Sharmon. Sorry you could not just look out your window for spring yellow but surely it is headed your way. Anyway, I wish it so for you!

    1. Thanks, Sus. The daffodils are coming up now, but haven't bloomed yet. Unfortunately, though, the prediction is for more cold and snow coming up.

  4. Glacier Park looks like a beautiful place.Do the daffodils grow wild or do you have to plant them? The part of India I live in is too hot for daffodils I think haven't seen them here.

    1. Glacier Park is the most beautiful place I've ever seen, Maya. Daffodils don't grow wild here, but they do spread and thrive here after we plant them. I don't think they would grow in places that are too hot because they need a period of cold to go into dormancy.

  5. The Transformation 4 piece is my favorite. Some beautiful yellows, and it looks like Glacier NP is a marvelous place!

    1. Cindi, Transformation 4 has always been a favorite of mine; it's one that I've held onto instead of selling. Thanks for visiting!

  6. Your Icarus Reborn seems to be glowing. Lovely. Like everyone else, I love the shots from Glacier. Makes me yearn for a visit. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. You really should visit Glacier if you ever get a chance - you would not be sorry!

  7. I love that all your photos celebrate life in a way. Vibrant, seasonal and glowing.

    1. Thanks, Jill - I tried to invoke spring even though it hasn'r really made an appearance yet!

  8. as you move into the bright exuberance spring and are letting go with the leaves as they fall

    1. Yes, Mo, we all go round and round the sun, just tilted toward it at different times...

  9. What a lovely set of yellows! I especially enjoyed the ones of Glacier National Park, having only been there once, fleeting and then in the summer but seeing it again brought back memories. I remember it as a truly lovely place.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Charlton! I don't think there is a lovelier place than Glacier National Park...

  10. just beautiful Sharmon, thanks for sharing it all...

  11. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful pictures with us. The Glacier Park looks like a fascinating place. I wish I could be there too ... if I did not live so far away, I'd hop right over.
    All of your creations are absolutely amazing Sharmon, but the 'Gateway' piece is my favorite.

    Gaby <3

    1. Thanks, Gaby, for stopping by and for the kind words. Have a great spring!

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