
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The View From My Window

This is literally the view from my back window - you can see the screen - because it was so cold I didn't want to open the door or go outside.

I was surprised yesterday morning when the phone rang, alerting me to the fact that school was closed.  I wasn't expecting this, nor did I expect to find another 4 inches of snow on the ground when I got up.

Scout was not pleased, as you can plainly see by her expression.  (She really does have facial expressions, odd as that may seem!)  I'm unsure why she thought the top of the picnic table would be any warmer than the ground; she was probably disappionted to find that it was not.

The gift of the extra time, plus sunlight reflected off the snow meant I could finally try to photograph one the pieces - now finished - from my previous post. It's not the greatest photo, being taken inside the house, but it still gives you a pretty accurate idea what the piece looks like.

ingredients: vintage book cover and page, vintage ledger page, vintage envelopes, decorative paper, hell note, vintage map, image transfers, colored pencils, Caran d'Ache crayons, found objects, milagro, vintage lace, brads, beads, stitching

I hope you're enjoying your weather, wherever you are!


  1. That is one beautiful COLD view!
    I like this piece and the way you finished it ... !

    1. Yes, it's unusually cold here for December, but I can't complain about the snow day! thanks, Mary Ann!

  2. Oh this is a magic post Sharmon! the cold white and the resolving of your map with the girl's tattered wing... am reading Women who run with the Wolves (finally getting 'round to reading it 20 years later!) the literal translation of milagro is miracle, so these little magical votives can help make miracles happen!

    1. Thanks, Mo, the little girl with one wing is a very personal symbol for me, and seemed the perfect way to resolve the piece. Perhaps she and the milagro will bring a good affect for the coming year!

  3. ohhh... love this, sharmon. and i'm with scout on the cold and snow!


    1. Me too, Lynne- I'm already tired of it and it's only December! Our Decembers aren't usually this cold, though. I hope yours is better than ours! xxoo

  4. I love your collage and that first winter image through the screen… yet another form of mixed media collage:-)

    1. Laura, i'm so glad you stopped by! thanks so much for the kind words!

  5. so magical, the imagery is wonderful, love it all, substrate is fab... I could go on and on!! Happiest of Holidays to you too dear Sharmon!!

    1. Thanks, Cat... I hope your holiday season is full of joy! xxoo

  6. A beautifully resolved and subtle piece Sharmon. Brrrrr .... I'm glad I don't live anywhere where it snows.

    1. Thanks, Jo; I often wish I didn't live where it snows, either. It does have its up-side, though if you're a teacher - snow days-!

  7. Much to engage one's eyes and imagination in your "Untitled" collage. I love the look of concentration on the girl's face...and all the symbols around her to stir up my own associations with the imagery. As for weather, thought I'd outwitted Old Winter by heading west, but he caught up with me today. Hopefully he'll get bored quickly and leave me to my greener pastures of the west coast. Happy holidays to you!

    1. Is it usually less snowy in western Canada? I know nothing about the weather up there, except that it's generally much colder than here. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay, Lynne!

  8. Sending warm wishes to you and your family for a wonderful Christmas and much health and happiness for 2014.

    Gaby xo

    1. And to you, Gaby; i hope your holidays are full of joy! xo


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