
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Something to Share, and a Give-away

I have a few pieces of good news and some other things to share with you.  First of all, I don't think I mentioned that one of my entries was accepted into the National Collage Society's

There were over 500 entries, so I was pretty excited that mine was chosen.  This year's exhibit is truly one of the best collections of collages I've seen in a very long time, even if I do say so myself, so please check it out.  A couple of examples to whet your appetite:

 Jan Filarski, The Dots Ran Away

Mike Church, Overtime

Dick Allowatt, Orbit

 As if that wasn't enough good fortune, I was recently notified that my work will be featured in ArtBuzz, the 2014 Collection - a hard cover book of work by the winners of their annual juried fine art search, in which I was awarded 2nd place for mixed media.

 Needless to say, I was thrilled (and surprised)!  You can pre-order a copy of it at the artist's discount price here.

Also, I'm very happy to announce that I have three pieces in a curated traveling show which will be opening in Louisville, Kentucky on December 7th.  If you're in the area, I hope you'll be able to come by for the opening reception.

Time has been shooting by at a very high rate of speed, and here it is, November already! It seems an appropriate time, with the holidays approaching, for the give-away I've been meaning to have for ages now, but never got around to. And since it's been so long, I've decided to double the fun and pick two winners this time.  Winners will receive:

 A generous selection of pages from my huge collection of antique and vintage books, including old textbook pages, dictionary pages (both English and Japanese), and maps (not the one pictured below).

The winners will also get several pieces of decorative papers, and to top it all off, each will receive one of the following books:

Product Details

Wabi Sabi: The Art of Everyday Life, by Diane Durston


Product Details

Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative

All you have to do to be entered in the drawing is to leave a comment on this post.  You don't have to be a follower, but if you are, your name will be put in twice.  On Thanksgiving day, one of my dogs will choose the winners, and I'll post the names by the next day.  I thought Thanksgiving was an appropriate time for this, because I am truly so grateful to all my readers and followers for being the awesome people, advice-givers, cheerleaders and inspirations you are.  Good luck!


  1. Congratulations have been busy....AND successful. LOVE vintage papers, and each of those books is worth having. Thanks for the chance to win.

  2. Yes, congratulations! Nice to be involved in such important shows!
    Yes, put me down for the give away, I'm feeling lucky today!

    1. Thanks, Mary Ann. I feel very lucky and blessed by my recent good fortune. Good luck!

  3. Sharmon, I am so happy for you, that is an exciting assortment!!


    1. Thank you, Angie, and I wish you good luck in the drawing!

  4. just want to say congratulations Sharmon!
    (but don't want to be in the draw as Australia is way too far away for give-aways!

  5. I love finding new artists (to me)....Kudos on all your shows and being included in the new book. Please include me in your drawing...thanks!

    1. Mary, so glad you stopped by, and thank you for the kind words. Good luck in the drawing!

  6. It is always wonderful news to hear an artist receiving accolades. Congratulations Sharmon!!! ...and so well deserved too! Your excitement is infectious and inspiring thanks for sharing and sharing your good will in the giveaway. Just love the fact your dog will draw the winner, totally adorable! :-)

    1. Thanks, Kim, for all the kind words of support and for your enthusiasm as well! I'll put a good word in for you with the dog!

  7. Congratulations on all that wonderful exposure your beautiful and challenging art is getting! It really deserves to be widely seen and recognized. I'm a big fan of your work and am very happy that these opportunities have come your way. Careful that your dog doesn't eat the winning entry!

    1. Hi Lynne, as always your support for my work is so greatly appreciated; I'm glad you'll be in the drawing! The give-away rules strictly forbid me to put any food or food-like smells on the entry slips, so I don't think she'll eat them!

  8. Sharmon, congratulations on your recent accomplishments. Your work is deserving of highest recognition. Thanks for offering this generous give away! I would be pleased if your pack picks me!
    Best wishes, sus

  9. Sus, what a sweet thing to say about my work! Good luck in the drawing!

  10. ohhh congrats of being accepted into the exhibit! mmmmm I picked the perfect time to catch up on your blog didn´t I.....ohhh those old book pages look yummmy!!! I hope your puppy picks me:)

    1. Thanks, Cynnie, and best of luck to you for the giveaway!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.