
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Give-away Winners

Hello, my turkey-stuffed friends! I apologize for not posting sooner, but between the holiday festivities and the sad death :(  of my camera, this is my first chance to take a photo, which had to be done during daylight hours due to the fact that the camera I borrowed doesn't have a working flash.

So without further delay, the winners chosen by Scout the Wonderdog are:

Angie of Hopemore Studios blog, who has won the book "Wabi Sabi: The Art of Everyday Life" by Diane Durston, along with her vintage and decorative papers,

and Lynne with an 'e' of Ragzedge Arts, who will receive "Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You about Being an Artist" by Austin Kleon, as well as the packet of papers.

Congratulations, Angie and Lynne!  Please email me your snail-mail addresses at, and I will put your winnings in the mail.  Thanks to everyone who entered, and to all my readers.


  1. Sharmon, How exciting, thank you so much!! I will email you.


  2. Congratulations to the winners as this was a generous giveaway! Scout looks exhausted but he came through alright! Happiest Holidays!

  3. Well that's a good news bad news situation for sure: bad that your camera died and more than good that I won a fabulous give-away!!! These days I'm moving at a snail pace myself around Blogland so please pardon my slowness in showing up to claim my prize. Speaking of snails, will email you my street address post-haste. Excited!!

    1. Will send you your winnings asap, Lynne; congrats!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.