
Friday, June 21, 2013

Moving Along with WIP

I'm amazed that it's already summer solstice! Summer officially starts today, and time keeps moving along- what's that they say about time flying when we're having fun? Somehow, time always seems to move faster than I do, but I'm still moving along with my art at my human pace, trying to take advantage of the free time (ha!) I have now to get things done.

I thought I'd share my progress with one of the pieces I showed you in this post.  It's called "Story of My Life", which I took from the title of the lovely vintage book cover I'm using as a substrate. It's hard to resist a ready-made idea like that, right? The book is actually about the life of William Taylor, an evangelist missionary who was Bishop of Africa during the 1800's.

These are 2 of the many configurations I've tried as I continuously rearrange, ad, and subtract various elements, in search of the best composition I can come up with.  I should have taken more photos, and intended to, but I get carried away when I'm working and forget, or just can't stop long enough. They help me to remember where I placed everything, which can be really helpful.  Oh well.  I hope to be able to post the finished version of it soon.

Also, I should announce that I have a piece in the National Collage Society's Annual Postcard Collage Exhibition.

The exhibit will be on display at Kent State University until July 20; subsequently, you can view it online at the National Collage Society website.

Happy Solstice, everyone!  Have a wonderful summer!


  1. Great to use a book as a starting point for a piece especially when it is called Story of my life, interested to see where this piece goes. :)

    1. Hi Paper Rainbow- I've been altering old book covers for a while now, and couldn't resist this one! thanks for visiting!

  2. Love the book title!!! And, most of all, what you're doing with it - can't wait to see more!

    1. Thanks, Patti; me neither. I'm kind of stuck on this one right now. Hopefully will get back in the flow soon!


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