
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Work in Progress?

When I say "progress", I'm using the term extremely loosely.  Is this what it's supposed to look like when you're working?  It's been so long since I've done this that I've forgotten...surely it wasn't this bad before... 

 What it looks like to me is a huge, out-of-control mess!  Is there a better, i.e. more organized, neat, and more efficient way to do this?  Not only has my drafting table become complete chaos, as well as my rolly-cart, but it seems to have spread...

... onto the floor.  How can I possibly find anything?

Doesn't it seem that in the age of modern conveniences such as the internet, super-fast computers, smart phones, and DVR, someone would have invented a device that cleans, organizes and finds what you need while you're blissfully, obliviously creating art?

Is there an app for that?


  1. To answer your first question...YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! You are just fine if you ask me! I wish you could see my work table today! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

    1. Thanks, Mary Helen; I feel a little better now! :)

  2. i sure like what you're creating, sharmon. : )


    1. Sweet Lynne, thank you; hopefully I'll be able to show more pics soon... xxoo

  3. Sharmon, I have never had a iphone/smart phone etc but I could sure use a studio cleaner or a whole hose cleaner for that matter.. none to be seen around my neck of the woods.. so we will all have to be blissful in our own personal messes.. But really yours doesn't look like a mess to me.. It looks inspiring. Love seeing your space!!!

    1. I don't have a smart phone, either, Gwen, but I'm pretty sure that if that app existed, everyone would know about it! So I'll take your advice to be blissful in my mess, I think. I don't know how inspiring it is, but it is definitely a result of being inspired, so I'll take it!

  4. i like the way you think! and i would buy that app! cannot wait to see where you go with this... x

    1. Yes, I'm sure LOTS of people would! If I had any electronic skills at all I'd suggest we invent it and make millions! Hopefully I'll have some pics of finished work to show soon.

  5. At the moment I'm having a radical clean out so that I can think clearly. It would be great to have a cleaning app.

    1. It's amazing how cleaning up can have such an effect on thought processes, isn't it? I threw away a bunch of papers at work recently, and was surprised by how much calmer I felt! At the end of my break, my studio will be getting the same treatment. What else can we do, until someone invents that app?

  6. Umm, this resonates with me, Shar!!! Going off to my own creatively-induced mess (aka studio) right now. xxoo, sus

    1. Sus, I'm glad to hear you're in the studio, mess or not... Happy creating!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. If the studio is tidy, means nothing's going on. Creativity is messy!

    1. Good point, Lynne! So I must be incredibly creative, then, right?!

  9. for me it is so hard to put things away - I forget about them! and I would totally buy that app. we need a boffin to make it for us! I'm just happy I have a place for my creativity (mess) to live in undisturbed peace these days!!

    1. Deb, I know what you mean about having a place to make messes. The only problem is when my mess get so big I can't work!

  10. I just love seeing others work areas and messy is good! There is always order to the madness as WE know where most things are? What does it matter...the important part is this new piece! I love the top part reddish color moving down to a mixture touched with blue. You've got a good one here!

    1. I'm always kind of embarrassed by my work area, but it gets very messy very quickly when I'm working, so I guess that's how it has to be. Thanks for the encouraging words about the new piece!

  11. My work space doesn't stay clean for very long...I did a major cleaning three weeks ago, but I think I need to do it again. It would be fantastic to have a cleaning app :))

    Gaby xo

    1. Yep, if mine is clean, you know I'm not working! I need to find someone to invent that app for me!

  12. You've GOT to be kidding... right?? This looks so clean and organized! And I'm being serious! I'll take a photo and send it to you, take a peek whenever you start to feel messy - ha!

    1. Patti, I find it hard to believe that anyone could make a worse mess than I can. I've gotta see that picture!

  13. A couple of years ago for Mothers Day, my husband decided to surprise me and clean my studio. He was so satisfied and proud of how it looked! I think it took less than a week to have it back to the way it was before he touched it.
    I loved what he did, but the artist within cannot be contained with organization. Believe me when I say that I have tried, but failed miserably at organizing!
    Thank for sharing your pics!

    1. Hi Carla,
      Thanks for visiting! Cleaning my studio does seem like an exercise in futility at times; organization is very tenuous and fleeting thing!


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