
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Language of the Earth

My intention was for this to be a multi-panel piece, but as you may know, artwork seems to take on a life and mind of its own, quite carelessly ignoring our plans. Since these pieces didn't turn out as I had envisioned, I'm not sure they say what I wanted them to, and so the purpose of attaching them to each other may now be moot. I'm wondering if they might work better as separate pieces. Has your artwork ever mutinied on you this way?

In this post, I introduced the first panel, which I'm posting here so that you can see what they look like together. (I apologize for the horrible photos- the colors are affected by less than optimal lighting conditions, and I haven't had time to get good shots.)

Here's the second panel.  I'm now going with the working title, "Language of the Earth", though I'm not certain that's right, either.

ingredients: vintage book cover, vintage map, found metal objects, fossil, ash seeds, ginko leaf, metallic ink, stitching (embroidery floss).

Some details:

So far, so confused. Let me know what you think, as I seem to be fresh out of thoughts right now.


  1. Sharmon these works are intriguing and I love the juxtaposition of your textures...sorry about the spelling... beautiful work. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

    1. Mary Helen, thank you so much for the kind words. and your spelling looks fine to me!

  2. it feels like maybe there's a missing piece, as in a third piece that goes somewhere (between them?). they feel related, but yet there's still something that hasn't been revealed. i know, not very helpful... : )

    art mutinies are frequent in my experience... : )


    1. You're right, Lynne; I had a vague feeling that something should go in between them, too. But when I try to picture what it would be, the feeling gets VERY vague, you know? lol It will reveal itself eventually, I'm sure...

  3. I feel the push and pull, too, of art work with a mind of its own - sometimes my art is totally driving the bus, not me! Interesting materials you are working with. The stitching adds a lot, especially in the first piece. Just wonder if the seeds/rust in the second piece could be integrated more somehow - stitched down??? Just a thought - great work, Sharmon. -sus

    1. Hi Sus! thanks for the suggestions. I had thought of both those things, but was afraid that if I stitched over the seeds, it would look like a fence. Still considering it though, and will probably do more stitching with the metal piece. we need a critique group around here, I sometimes think; it's great to share ideas.

  4. The second piece really appeals to me. I love the earthyness.
    What about "Earth Language' for the title?

    1. Hi Robyn! I like the second piece better myself, and the more I think about it, the less inclined I feel to combine them. Thanks for the title suggestion; mine tend to be too long and cumbersome. Maybe I should just start calling everything 'untitled #38" and so on. nope- too confusing, as I found out with my transformations series!

  5. Fresh out of thoughts is a good place to be. The message of the piece is coming through in its own subterranean language: translation or explanation is optional.

    1. Lynne, you really do have a way with words. I love the phrase "its own subterranean language"- thank you.

  6. Sorry I have been MIA for some time. I love the way you talk about your art, always have. "Art mutiny", I will be using this and crediting you.

    As for the two pieces, they seem to have go in different directions, or they don't have much to say to each other. The colors in each don't seem to be on the same page (pun intended) and the stitching is so different on each. But maybe if I saw them in real life I could see a connection. A third panel or the start of two different series. Mutiny indeed.

    1. No worries, Teri; I'm still MIA, myself. Just can't make time for blog-visiting as often as I'd like. I think these are just two different pieces, rather than two pieces of one piece, if you follow. But that's not really a bad thing- it just wasn't what I'd planned. Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans, right?

  7. what a feast for the eyes Sharmon, just keep going & see where it takes you!

  8. These are incredible Sharmon. I can really connect with the textures, the colors and the organic nature of these pieces.

    1. Thanks, Seth; I really appreciate the kind words. I had lots of fun making these- I love working with the natural objects.

  9. Sharmon, I love the title of this piece and the second panel with its map and natural elements and metal ephemera draws me in! Lovely!

    1. Mary, thank you so much for the lovely compliment, and I'm so glad you're following!

  10. Oh, I am your newest blog follower, too! :)


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.