
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Playing Favorites

A big hunk (is that the right unit of measure? should it be pounds? or maybe liters? ) of gratitude goes out to Seth Apter, collaborator extraordinaire, for including my response in today's installment of

In this part of The Pulse, artists were asked to: share a picture of a favorite piece of art that you have created and explain its meaning to you...

So head on over to The Altered Page to find out which piece I chose, and treat yourself to artwork by talented people such as Miz Katie, Pam Carriker, and many more.  I've immensely enjoyed each and every installment of Playing Favorites so far; I have no doubt that you will, too.


  1. très belles peintures sur ce site...
    pour les explications en dessous..c'est difficile avec google traduction, de deviner le vrai sens des commentaires..


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.