
Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Earth Remembers...?

That's the working title of the piece I'm now working on- or, maybe not.  The title is just not coming to me right now, but it's not really important at this stage of the game.

So this is the top part of the piece, loosely representative of the earth's outer layers. It's made from the cover of an old geography book, and will have additional panels attached below this one. It's more structured, organized, and formally composed than I wanted it to be.  I attribute this tendency to my original training in graphic design school, but I'm working to overcome it.  Baby steps, right?

Some things to think about:  What artistic "stuckness" are you working to overcome, one baby step at a time?  How do you go about titling your pieces?


  1. Hi Sharmon, I really like this piece. Can't wait to see the other panels.

    I had to stop using blue for about 5 years, but now I think I might allow myself to start up again! As for titling, I'm like you, I have to wait until the name pops into my head :)

    1. Deborah, thanks so much. How you stopped using blue for such a long time, I'll never know- you must have tremendous self-control!

  2. love the stitching and the sense of order within the wildness Sharmond & titles? "the earth remembers..." looks good & resonates! & for me titles happen off the top of my head when submitting the work for an exhibition... & gosh! artistic stuckness... I haven't had time to get stuck for so long but work on at least 2 things at any given time so when one piece needs time for combobulation the other can keep the creative momentum movin' right along. A wonderful artist friend works on 7 paintings at any given time, she works in oils & if she's not painting she's thinking about painting or asleep and dreaming about painting!

    1. SEVEN paintings!? I don't even have room in my studio for more than 2 or 3, myself, and I don't think my brain has that much room, either. I do usually work on at least 2 at once, though... I have to say that there have been times when neither of them was combobulated, in which case I start on a third. btw, I like your usage of words like 'combobulation'; I use words like this all the time, but since I teach special ed, my students think they're real words. sometimes they help me invent them, though...

    2. She turned her whole roof space into a studio and retired from teaching last year so she can paint full time now, she works hard & is prolific must say I'm so not... it takes me years to do anything!

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  4. Hi Sharmon! I love the wabi sabi feel of this piece and I'm a sucker for anything with text on it. I like that you've added stitching too.

    I am guilty of this "too designy" thing too and in fact it was pointed out to me by a well known local artist. Yes, to loosen up, that's the thing. For me I think there's something about giving myself permission to make a lot of bad art (which I am quite capable of) and yet I shy away from.

    Nice reminder of baby steps, does make everything seem less daunting! love the foolishness of that movies! if it makes me laugh, I love it! happy fall!

    1. Hi Carole,
      That is a goofy movie, but it always makes me laugh, and makes me feel better about taking things step by step, which I don't like to do. Impatiently, I just want to get it all done, and right now. Too bad it doesn't really work that way, especially with art. Good luck with loosening up; I think I'm going to be working on it for a looooooooooooong time!

  5. Sharmon, "The Earth Remembers" is wonderful. I wish I could feel its layers... to me it looks like the background is a piece of old wood. Beautiful title too...

    1. Roxanne, thank you so much. The background is actually a book cover from a vintage geography book. I'm not too sure if the title will change in the end, but I'm glad you like it.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.