
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Spread #3 of Book of Dreams

I have finished the third, and last, spread for the Book of Dreams!  (You can see earlier stages here, here, here, and here.)  This page is almost purely a monotype, with just some added watercolor pencil here and there to darken or blend the different areas of color.

 I'm still not sure that it doesn't need to be darkened a bit more, but I think I'll let it rest for a while until I can decide.

Here are few close-up details:

Unfortunately, I haven't quite solved my binding issues.  The structure of the book is actually similar to a child's board book, which I believe, in bookbinding parlance, is called a drum leaf binding

 Because mine was not done in the proper order, it is a bit wonky, but "live and learn", as they say. Thanks to Mo Crow for the link, and for all the other instructions and suggestions. 

 When I got all of the pages glued together, I discovered that the spine of the original book was only a tiny bit too small.  So, since the spine doesn't serve a structural function in this case (the end pages are glued onto the covers, not the spine), I think I may be able to do a cosmetic fix by just sewing on a strip of something(?) to hold the edges together and make it look better.

And then, I'll need to do something with the back cover, so stay tuned for more disasters and discoveries!


  1. I love your monotype - makes me wish I was printing. It is hard to tell from the monitor how dark it really is tho. Can't wait to see how the cover turns out. Then if I could only see it in person! The problem with books is they want someone to hold them!!

    1. Thanks, Deb; i love doing monotypes. I know what you mean about books wanting to be held. That's one reason I only did 3 spreads- I want people to be able to see the pages, to pick it up, and turn them. I thought the fewer the pages, the easier it would be for people to get see them, if that makes any sense.

  2. Intriguing patterns and lush colors here. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for those edges.

    1. Thanks, Laura; I'm looking forward to it, too! Or maybe just to being finished!

  3. a beautiful and very dream-like page, Sharmon. I think your idea for the spine will work. show us what you come up with, please. How I would love to see in person, as dryadart comments. -sus

    1. Sus, I hope you're right about my idea. It will all be posted here, good or bad. Thanks for visiting!

  4. fantastique... me fait penser à la soie peinte...

    1. Merci, Elfi! It does look like painted silk- I see what you mean.


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