
Monday, May 14, 2012

Three Person Exhibition "Figuratively Speaking"

My work is part of a three-person show in Sharonville (a suburb of Cincinnati), Ohio, along with the wonderful art of Suzanne Fisher and Jan Boone.  It's called "Figuratively Speaking", because the pieces by all three artists depict the human figure, albeit in very different styles and media. For some reason, my work is not pictured on the invitation.  It's kind of strange- I don't really know how to interpret that.

Anyway, I'll be at the opening reception on Thursday evening, and you're all invited. Hope to see you there!


  1. dommage que tu n'est pas à l'affiche.. mais je te souhaite un grand succès pour cette exposition!

  2. Best of Luck!!! You'll do great!!!! : )))))

  3. Congratulations and best of luck on this upcoming show! Photos please!

  4. Congrats! and it is a terrible invitation anyways - lol

  5. If only... but it's a bit far from Australia. Good luck with the show.

  6. Merci, Elfi!

    Thanks, Manon; I'll try to live up your words!

    Mary Ann- thanks for the good wishes. I'll definitely take photos- thanks for the reminder!

    Thanks, Deb! You're right, it is pretty bad- needs a little help in the design and composition area.

    Jo, Thanks; I guess I'll forgive you for not coming, under the circumstances! :)

  7. Congratulations on your exhibit, Sharmon - Wish i were near by to go to the opening. Please do take lots of pictures and give us a vicarious tour. -sus

  8. Congratulations on the show! I hope it went really well for you. I was thinking before I read your words that it was weird that there were three artists and only two paintings. Deb is right about the invitation...


  9. I'm quite put out that your art is not on the invitation! All the best for the show, Sharmon.

  10. Well I missed your opening...and now it's over 'like a wedding'...and that's a good thing...
    and all that 'other stuff' is just a trail of stardust...there are soooo many ways to 'suffer ego deaths' around our work going out into the world aren't there?...
    1. not being accepted by the jury
    2. poor image reproduction in printed matter
    3. misquotes in articles about the work
    4. poor lighting in the gallery
    5. low turn out for the opening
    6. being omitted from the (poorly designed) announcement

    hopefully each little blip on the screen brings strength and courage to continue the commitment to birth beauty into the world...which you are soooo stunningly gifted at doing...

    May you always bring more focus to your North Star and to what's deeply important with each creative step you take.

    Your work knocks my socks off '-)

    Green light!

  11. Thanks, Sus- I shall do so!

    Thanks, Don. I'm still trying to figure out that whole invitation thing...

    Thanks, Robyn! I'm not really so much put out as puzzled. Oh well...

    Donna, you're absolutely right about the 'ego deaths' (I love that phrase, btw)- you have to have a pretty thick skin to be an artist. None of the things you listed really bother me- I could wallpaper my studio in rejection letters- but this is a first. If it was a big group show, I wouldn't think anything of it, but all I can think is- ????
    I don't mind, though, if it gets me one of your eloquent pep talks, my darlin!

  12. Congratulations Sharmon!! I wish you all the best!!

  13. Hope you were well pleased with the Sharonville show - your work has evolved quite magnificently - amazing!! Just wanted to stop by and say hello - enjoy your summer!!


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