
Monday, March 5, 2012

Raven and Crane: Jumping Ahead in the Story

Some of you may recall that I began writing and illustrating a story some time last year.  The rough draft of the story has been essentially finished for a while now, but the illustrations have been put on the back burner because I just have so many other things going on.  The first two illustrations can be seen here and here.  The third illustration I've done is from further on in the story, due to the fact that it's actually the first one I did.

The Separation of Raven and Crane

As I worked on this piece, the story began to take form in my head.  Where it came from, I'm not sure; it's almost as if it had a life of its own, and was only waiting for me to put it on paper.  This piece depicts the point in the story where Raven and Crane decide to go their separate ways.  There are many things that happen in between, with illustrations that are yet to be done.  I have just started working on "Crane Creates the Day". 

I decided to share this with you because I've entered these three pieces in an exhibit; if accepted, The Separation of Raven and Crane will be seen out of order anyway.   And who knows how long it will be before those in-between pieces will be created?  Not me.


  1. Beautiful! I didn't see raven's head tucked in there for a bit, and when I did it was lovely surprise. Stories have fallen in my lap too, from somewhere in the atmosphere. I think it will be a magical tale. Did you actually put the links on the "here and here" bit of your post, cause I couldn't go anywhere.

  2. LOL- I had posted this, and a few minutes later realized I had forgotten the links. Sorry!

  3. This is a beautiful piece and I'm sure will do well in a show. With the story complete it will be a matter of finding time to bring it into this time and space...all magical!

  4. une magnifique peinture..le clair-obscur..le ying et le yang..superbe!

  5. I remember the first pieces. This third one makes a great addition to the set. Something reminds me of the illustrations in a book I had as a child, folk tales from native traditions. Wish I still had it.

  6. I was also surprised by this beautiful image and I'm sure it will be a talking point at the exhibition.

  7. serene and beautiful - as always Sharmon. Just lovely to see another piece by you.

  8. I think it is wonderful and it stands alone so wel, just beautiful ... but with the other pieces telling the whole story, it will be stunning...

  9. Three words:
    Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful!

  10. This is lovely, Sharmon. I really like the texture on the birds' wings! Totally wonderful. :)

  11. A fascinating and beautiful drawing, Sharmon. Ravens and cranes abound on our beach here. -sus

  12. Sharmon, this is gorgeous! It reminds me of Escher's birds intertwined. Your draughtsmanship is superb!

  13. Fabulous Raven and Crane...
    simply grand...looking forward to the unfolding...



  14. this painting is totally brilliant Sharmon!
    I haven't seen your work before (arrived here from Art Propelled) & have fallen in love with all three of these crane & raven works, look forward to buying a signed copy of the book that comes out of this work!

  15. Magical. Beautiful. Enchanting. Intriguing. Meaningful. Can you guess how much I love this picture?

  16. Beautiful work Sharmon. it never revealed itself to me all at first and when it did, what a wonderful surprise..

  17. This is one of the most beautiful paintings that I have ever seen. You have really captured the magic of the white bird, its wings, its eyes. I haven't meant to be gone for so long. roxanne

  18. its neat to see...good luck with them getting accepted! all three illustrations feel powerful. fate. destiny. intense stuff.

  19. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by my blog and commenting on the super 31/31 Pulse of Mixed Media celebratory tour. I'm so lucky and blessed to have work in the book and gifted to meet so many amazing artists. So glad I've come by and what a magical crane you've created- so illustriously gorgeous. The colors, texture and patterns are all so dream like. Thanks so much for also providing the links to the other bird paintings. Just super!!

  20. This is so beautiful! and thats what I thought when I just saw the crane then I found the raven . . .

    Oh wow!


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