
Sunday, November 6, 2011

National Collage Society's 27th Annual Exhibit

I was recently thrilled to learn that both my entries were accepted into the National Collage Society's 2011 27th Annual Juried Exhibit.  This year's exhibition is their first to be shown strictly online, which is cool, because it means that more people will have access to it.

There is an impressively wide variety of techniques, styles, media, and content represented here.  I'm excited and honored to have my work included, and hope you'll take the opportunity to see the exhibit; I don't think there's any way you'll be disappointed.

I'll leave you with a new collage I just finished- one of the small ones I think of as studies or experiments.  To be honest, I had no idea where this one was going, and I'm not sure if it's arrived there yet. 

ingredients: vintage book pages, image transfers, watercolor pencil, acrylic ink, Chinese hell notes, acrylic gel

I haven't come up with a title for this one- any ideas?


  1. I am not very helpful for a title for this work...but I do love the intricacies you have developed. Peace, Mary Helen

  2. This is great news for you...wonderful. I just cruised down to see the posts I have missed...
    mmmmm luscious work as always. Hope you are well.

  3. Congratulations! The final step in the creative process is to put it out into the world...I look forward to seeing the online show.
    This piece is lovely...I especially like the division of space with this wood looking post and the circle image which looks very deeply set in space. Titles are tricky!

  4. Lovely work, but I'd like to see a teensy bit of dark in it. Perhaps a title that reflects beginnings and the passing of time?

  5. I was think a title to do with journeys? Congrats too on the exhibition!!

  6. To me the piece looks like a doorway through time, so I'd call it something like that. Well done on getting into the exhibition!

  7. Hey Sharmon...congrats and congrats...and but of course...Green Light '-)

    I feel the title of this beauty calling out 'Wheel in Time'.

    Wanted to let you know...not to burden you in any way...however I am inviting you to take part in MY7Links can read about it on my recent blog post...I know it would be grand to see what you would ferret out to share...and there's no 'Wheel of Time' can do it as it fits if you choose to participate.

  8. Congrats and how very cool to be included in the exhibit - can't wait to wander around the virtual halls!!
    Love the 'Chinese hell papers' though I don't suppose you'd want to work that into the title?
    Take good care!

  9. As others have said - it tends toward the idea of journey, which is ironic since you "have know idea where it is going". Lovely layers as always. I immediately thought of something like "first door on the right", but thought Patti's title idea was would keep them all guessing- Chinese hell papers. Great to see your work -

  10. Congratulations on this! I love the circular shape and the long green line. Titles are so hard sometimes! roxanne

  11. How exciting to be juried into the collage on-line exhibit! that is great news.
    please do give us the link so we can check it out.

    also, thanks for becoming a follower! don't you just love the creative exchange of ideas through blogs? love your work, i will be back again soon.

  12. congrats on the show. I checked the link and saw that there is a LOT of eye candy to look at there. you are in respectable company.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.