
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Style File

Apparently, blogger isn't going to let me upload any more photos.  But you can still visit this week's Style File, part of Seth Apter's ongoing collaborative art project, The Pulse.  So head on over to The Altered Page, introduce yourself to some new artists and their blogs, and find out how they describe their own individual art styles.  Examples of their work accompany their words, so it's a real feast for the eyes and mind.

Personally, I find it difficult to pinpoint my own style and translate it into words; I speak much more articulately in pictures.  But I gave it my best shot.  Just click on the icon below, or on the words, "Style File" above.  I think you'll enjoy it.

And if I'm lucky, Blogger may let me upload more images tomorrow...


  1. Ooooh! I like what you've done with the place!
    Bummer about Blogger toying with you, though.
    This is the third time I've tried to leave this comment, so it's toying with me, too. Argh!

    Thanks for the link...I'm off to check it out...if Blogger will let me, that is.

  2. It's always a great way to start the Sunday! I too love Seth's posts:)

  3. Oh what a delight it is to pop over after two months away to see all that you see...simply lovely.

    happy summer meandering ~

  4. blogger has been a pain lately...loved the style file...

  5. Thanks, everyone! Donna, it's nice to have you back; I hope you had an amazing summer!


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