
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Real Abstract

If you've been a reader for a while, you've probably noted my fascination with photographing the abstract patterns that result from the interplay of water and light.  If these were painted, would they be masterpieces of abstract art?  Or should I just leave them as photos?  Something to think about.  While some have been altered using Photoshop, others are straight out of camera, or have only been "auto- leveled."   (For those of you not familiar with PS, "auto levels" is just a standard adjustment meant to correct color and contrast to "normal".)  The variations in pattern, color, and form never cease to surprise and amaze me.

This one has had nothing done to it except auto levels, I swear.  Freaky, huh?  If I saw this without knowing what it was, I don't think I would ever guess it was water.

Again, just auto levels...

When I look at these, I know beyond any doubt that I can never create anything so beautiful.  Who do I think I'm kidding, calling myself an artist?  On the other hand, maybe I should paint them; it would be a challenge, and probably lots of fun.  But there they are, already.


  1. sharmon, i was thinking this very thing (that nature as an artist cannot be surpassed) a couple of days ago. i kept picking up oak leaves that had been soaking in a small stream for weeks, and they were gorgeous beyond belief. all i could think was that *no* painter of neutral abstracts could even come close to the delicacy and subtlety of them... xoxo (but still i paint : )

  2. Sharmon, Just paint them, you know you want to, you kn ow you should.

  3. The previous post was from me! (Michael @ Crosshatching's) Blogspot wasn't letting me log in to comment for some reason. Really great photos BTW.

  4. OK, Michael- I'll do it! I've been having trouble leaving comments also; don't know what's up with that.

  5. these are stunning tributes to water. as water is becoming such a precious commodity we need more reminders of the beauty of water, as i look at your art - i'm wondering how you could put together this body of work to speak to how we should honour water?

  6. Great set of shots! They are the kind of thing that stops me in my tracks when I stumble across them and make me late for whatever it was. Guess light is playing like this all the time and mostly we miss it.

  7. Personally, I prefer to use an image as an inspiration or jumping off point for a painting rather than laboriously trying to reproduce the original sight. After all, that's what photography is for. But, hey, if you're up to the challenge and have the technical know-how, what's to stop you? I'm sure I'd be in awe of the painting once it was done. Then again, with the photo reproduction processes that are out there, one could just have the original photo printed on canvas, or even textured to look like a painting.

  8. These are wonderful and it is so true there is not a more perfect artist than nature its self. Yet we have to has artist to still create..So you get your paints ready and begin..

  9. this series is simply fabulous, I like them all! it is clear that we like the same things hahaha!!!

    A big hug,

  10. I agee with lynn and i agree there is norhing to stop anyone in using any medium combined to express a vision these days. Art is an open language whose vocab runs ahead of our tools and imaginations now Reading vincent's Dear Theo yest. He laments throughout his inability to capture

  11. Yes- I say to your post and all the comments. I need to revisit/find the collection of water reflections I have stored away on some hard drive.

  12. LOVE the last image. Stunning! The great creator does some good work!

  13. "When I look at these, I know beyond any doubt that I can never create anything so beautiful." Yeah, I know what you mean...the world is so gorgeous just as it is, we need only open our eyes wide to enjoy the feast!

  14. I had gooooosebumps my dear!!! They flabbergasted me....what a word:) They excite me just looking at them. I love abstract art and these just blew me off my seat!!! I think they would be a fabulous catalyst to inspire a great abstract painting but I don´t feel the need to have them copied inch by inch but what they ignite in me well it wants to go throw the paint around something FIERCE!!!

  15. thats why i love found objects or old walls..the abstraction and perfection of it all...something that couldnt be painted and if ya could, why bother haha. its perfect as it is. taking the photo of it IS art to me. love that last photo.


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