
Monday, June 20, 2011

An Assortment of Cool Stuff to Share

These are just some random things I wanted to share; I thought you might find them interesting and/or helpful, but didn't feel any of them required an entire post.  Most come from my internet wanderings, or from links people send me or post on my facebook wall. 

My son posted the link to this on my facebook profile, about National Geographical photographer, Frans Lanting, and his project which attempts to portray the history of the universe.  Here's a bit of a summary from the project's website.

Frans Lanting’s LIFE: A Journey Through Time is a lyrical interpretation of life on Earth from its earliest beginnings to its present diversity. The LIFE Project aims to bridge the gap between nature and science, and is realized through the integration of photography with the performing arts and the world of life and earth sciences, in collaboration with partners and institutions around the world.  The LIFE Project includes a multimedia orchestral performance, a traveling exhibition, a large-format photographic book, and this website. Public outreach includes an ongoing series of appearances by Frans Lanting at venues across the  United States and Europe, including the TED Conference, Stanford University, the National Geographic Society, the Long Now Foundation, and many others.

Here's the TED version of the slide show, but I encourage you to watch the original full size one at the website; just click on "start the journey."


Writer/artist/filmaker Shawn Daniell has a wonderful arts blog called ArtSeen, where you can read arts news, movie reviews, interviews with local artists, and more.

I'm honored to be the featured artist right now on ArtSeen; you can read Shawn's interview with me by clicking here.  Please check out all the other great articles on ArtSeen, too.

I really wish I could see this- the Princeton University Art Museum is exhibiting the collage and assemblage work of Kurt Schwitters until June 26, so if you're close to the area you still have a few more days to see it.

From the Princeton University Art Museum website:

"Kurt Schwitters: Color and CollageSchwitters is one of the most influential artists to have emerged in the years following World War I. In response to the turmoil then afflicting German society, Schwitters developed a unique form of artistic practice, one that merged art and life, embraced disparate media, and utilized found objects and printed materials. In 1919, Schwitters christened this body of work Merz —a neologism derived from the German Kommerz (commerce)—which culminated in a series of collages, assemblages, experimental poems, prints, and sculptures, most famously, the Merzbau, a three-dimensional environment initially realized in Hannover in the 1930s." 

So cool, right?

Merz Billdross Fett, Kurt Schwitters


Finally, I love this Nick Bantock tribute on Blurb.  Artists from around the world each created a piece in the style of Nick Bantock, and they are all quite inspiring.



  1. These are all great. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Thanks for the links to such interesting information. I particularly enjoyed your interview: not easy questions to answer and you did an excellent job! Also visited your website and had a wonderful tour of the galleries. A great way to linger over my morning coffee.

  3. Enjoyed your interview. Being a state of recharging too long, your words encouraged me to put down the book I've buried my nose in and "push through."


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.