
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

An Hors D'oeuvre (without a funny title)

I just noticed yesterday that I've only done 2 posts so far this month.  Time has raced by so unbelievably fast, with the end of the school year (only 2 more weeks- and only 1 of those with the kids!), mountains of special ed. paperwork, and general exhaustion.  I feel like I've been working so hard, and with nothing to show for it!  I've even forgotten to welcome my new followers, and I sincerely apologize.  I'm so grateful to all of you, and hope you enjoy coming along on my adventures.

Just so you don't think I'm a total slacker, here's a little hors d'oeuvre. I'm sorry about the blurry photo, but my scanner does not like lumpy things. Also, I couldn't think of a good title for this one.  The best I could come up with was "Ashes to Ashes, and Dust to Dust in the Wind", but that just didn't get it for me.  Feel free to make suggestions.

Ingredients: map fragments, vintage book pages, vintage ledger page, watercolor pencils, copper crayon, image transfer.

In the meantime, I am working on the salad and main courses- coming soon, I promise!


  1. oh my, i love this sharmon... xo

  2. "Qwerty Laments" Hi Sharmon--just staying in touch! Grtat piece. Wm

  3. O Sharon! Love this one! Very cool how you've managed all the layers...almost looks fossilized. Are we having soup too?

  4. this is very cool, Sharmon, and if this is the appie, I cannot wait for the main course!

  5. There's something very visceral about this piece. How about "The Burial Ground"?


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.