
Saturday, April 9, 2011

But Still... (too late)

But Still (1891)
ingredients: map fragment, vintage ledger pages, vintage book pages, papyrus, metallic joss paper, decorative paper, ink, watercolor, found objects, brass wire

Well, long story short, I was working on some 4 x 6 collages with the intent to enter one of them in the National Collage Society's Postcard Show.  However, I misread the prospectus, and thinking that the arrival deadline was a postmark deadline, I missed it!  (Aaaarrrrgh....)  Let this be a warning to you, people- read the prospectus carefully!

So anyway, here's the first one I made; let me know what you think.  (Sorry, the photo is kind of wonky- the angel's body is metallic, but you can't tell here.)

p.s.  I'm still waiting for that full time secretary to show up; any takers yet?


  1. I felt a definite "aaah!" of awe with this one. There's been a recent argument at our art club where the (non artist) treasurer stated that collage was not an appropirate art form for a painting group. This has resulted in a minor rebellion. Shame you missed that deadline. It's all too easy, but it'll make you more careful next time :)

  2. Beautiful! I love the stitching on of the objects. Great texture. I'm sorry you missed the deadline (but secretly happy that I am not the only one that makes these kinds of mistakes).

  3. You're not alone in allowing that deadline to get the best of you. I wish the juried exhibitions all would either have the exact deadline or the postmarked deadline. It would absolve a bit of confusion - especially when you have several that you are working towards.

    But Still, 1891 is a wonderful work of art. I felt that same "aaah" that Mark mentioned. Shooting images with metallic paint is nearly impossible. For some reason the camera can't seem to capture those mica particles. I'm not sure why.


  4. I love this- and my life is a series of missed deadlines- You know I could be your secretary-- you may not be any better off - but we would have fun!

  5. yep, looks good. Postcard size is fun . . . are you going to do any more?

  6. Hi Don- thanks for the encouragement. I just can't seem to do everything- the full time job, the house, the gardens, the cabin- and still make deadlines! Haha- what's up with that? LOL

  7. very cool collage Sharmon! I love the colors and textures - it would have been a great addition to the show. I hate when that happens! and dang, if it doesn't happen more often than not!! Maybe it's time for one of Allyson Stanfield's Get Organized! classes :)

  8. deadlines...yeah they do have a way of showing up and then disappearing into the ethers, but you did the work and it will find where its meant to be so it's all good.

    Karin's right...Alyson's Go Get Organized class is you have time for a class '-0

  9. Hey Donna! You and Karin are probably right, I think the class is just what I need! I'm going to check it out. Do you suppose she offers one during the summer? :)

  10. Whitney, stay tuned... more coming up!

  11. what a beautiful collage... I love your work.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.