
Saturday, April 30, 2011

104 Moons in the Seventh House of the Rising Sun

Ingredients: vintage ledger sheet, vintage book pages, decorative papers, map fragment, magazine cut-outs, watercolor pencils, Koh-i-noor pens, acrylic mediums.

I'm really having fun with these titles!  This is another of my little 4" x 6" experiments in what I've come to call "stream of consciousness" collages.  They're completely unplanned; I just grab what ever's lying around and start gluing.  Whether or not they pan out as decent pieces of art, I learn something valuable each time I make one.

In this case, I think the title may be better than the collage, but it was fun to make, nonetheless.  By the way, if you get the allusions in the title, congratulations- you are officially old!


  1. I like the freedom to make work that I don't take "seriously"... sometimes they end up seeding work that becomes primary years later.

  2. I do love that title! I should pay more attention to making a good title. Really digging the idea of the stream of consciousness collage. :)

  3. The Animals of the Fifth Dimension bow in your direction

  4. Very good idea to grab what is on hand and go with it. Your piece turned out great. Really nice.

  5. I love the collage and the title! And doing these stream of consciousness collages must really be freeing and fun too!

  6. Definitely fun! It's great to just grab and go with whatever comes to hand and not worry too much about the outcome. I'm kinda there these days myself. I whipped some watercolour onto a small sheet of paper the other day and enjoyed that same sort of freedom. And lo and behold...something came of it. Isn't that a bonus, when the creative frenzy stops and we stop and look and there's something intriguing looking back at us! Your work is always rich in interest, I find.

  7. this is all so good to look at (including last few posts!), invigorating and inspiring which is just what I needed! Are you going to sell any of those little pieces?

  8. I am officially old. I've got one foot on the platform, the other on the train. The train'll keep chugging and I'll keep plugging on to the house of the rising sun. One of the few tunes I could play on guitar back in the day. Stream of consciousness is a great way to spend a day and it shows in your work.

  9. "And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars This is the dawning of the age"---- of being really old, age of being really old.... BUT I love that song, now it is stuck in my head! AND I want you to come to my house and make me do collage again--

  10. What a gorgeous title, Sharmon! This collage is divine! Definitely one of my favorites that you have made. I'm a new follower:)

    I wish you happy rest of this week and a fun upcoming weekend.

    Hugs, Gaby

  11. It's a wonderful little collage! I like the map like influences in your drawn lines and the layout - and of course the title is fab :)

  12. Are you kidding? This collage is really cool. I love it. This is one of those pieces that I like so much I can't believe I didn't have the foresight and talent to come up with it. But It's All You, baby!!

    (I may steal the title for something. Just so you know.)


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