
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Strange and Amazing

During my recent internet excursions, I've come across some very unique art. You've got to see these!

I've never seen anything like this.  Jason de Caires Taylor makes life-size cement sculptures, then submerges them in the ocean... 

With the passage of time, they become habitats for the little sea creatures, who gradually alter the appearance of the sculptures.

You can see more photos of this amazing installation and read the entire article, Drowning Beautiful,  here.  I encourage you to visit his website, where you can read more about his work, and watch the lovely videos that provide extended, 360 degree views of the works in situ.

Next, I'd like to direct your attention to the work of Siba Sahabi, an artist whose stated intention is to "build a bridge between the orient and the occident."

From  "Bucchero" series

 I don't know about that, but I know that what she has built is incredible- all these pieces are made of paper!

Paper!  Seriously??

"Bucchero" series

It seems to beg all kinds of questions, such as, to begin with- HOW?  I can't even imagine how you'd begin, and then, how you would keep it so perfectly round and even?

And how long would it take to make one?  I mean for her, not me, because it would obviously take me the rest of my life...
Kerameikos paper porcelain

And while we're on the subject of the completely unbelievable...

Have you ever seen the pencil lead sculptures of Dalton Ghetti?  Take a closer look...

Yep, that's right- pencil lead.

I'm completely dumbfounded.  This guy must have amazingly steady nerves, not to mention uncommonly acute eyesight.

Dalton Ghetti uses only a razor blade, sewing needle and sculpting knife to carve these minute works. According to this article, he even refuses to use a magnifying glass and has never sold any of his work, only given it away to friends.  Though he doesn't have a website, you can find several good articles if you google his name.  He also had a show at the Silvermine Art Center in Connecticut.

This one took him two and a half years.  Are you amazed yet?


  1. Great post... all amazing! I'm going to follow the links to the submerged sculptures, what strange beauty!

  2. I am a glad there are people in the world who can stay so focused- truly amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  3. OK Sharmon...this is so perfect I can hardly contain myself.

    CACV has a great Teen Art Apprentice Program and talented H.S. artists vie for one of the 12 available positions. Every year I challenge them to embark on a field of discovery.

    This Thursday we begin. I knew I was going to have each of them research an environmental artist. I've been collecting urls for them to pull out of a hat.

    I am so excited to add these to the mix and share them with these talented and inventive kids.

  4. This is absolutely amazing!!!
    First time I have been here (linked through Art Propelled). This morning I paid my travel agent for my trip to Mexico. I dive. I had just read about this sculpture site and had never seen it. I am so excited.

    It was meant to be.


  5. You are right. All of these artists do incredible work. I especially love the sculpture on the ocean floor. I saw a special on it recently. Can you imagine what will be said of them in a thousand years? People will wonder what it was all about, just as we wonder about the Egyptian sculptures.

  6. Wow an amazing collection there. Thanks for the inspirational post.

  7. pretty awesome finds Sharmon...and I mean that in the Biblical sense...this art and the creators inspire awe in me...especially the underwater!

  8. No way!!! unbelieveable!! outrageous post Sharmon!!

  9. Great images- can't believe the pencil lead sculptures- he must have amazing eyesight.

  10. I had seen the pencil lead sculpture before, but neither of the other artists. Of course now I am wondering how did she make that paper stuff, and you know me and paper, I am probably going to give it a try!

  11. Sharmon .... you've found the most intriguing artists to showcase. The pencil sculpting really blows my mind... it seems too intricate to be humanly possible.
    have a good week ahead!

  12. beaucoup de choses intéressantes se sont passées ici, depuis ma dernière visite.. !

  13. Hi Sharmon, wow, those cement sculptures just blow me away! just beautiful. Those paper pieces are a technical marvel.
    I have seen Dalton's work in person - and they are displayed with magnifying glasses for full appreciation, even though he doesn't need them!! Truly remarkable, and he had a very humble, kind presence. I met him at Silvermine in a large group show we were in years ago...
    Great diverse post!

  14. Those pencils are Sweet. Thank you


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