
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Study in Brown and Gray

 If winter in Kentucky were a painting,

we'd title it "Study in Brown and Gray"
(or gray and brown, if you prefer).

Etched with a graphite web of lines,

shaded in soft tones of charcoal and raw umber,

cinnamon and sienna,

we'd know not to dream of colors;

Spring is still too far away.


  1. Such beautiful images and I agree that Spring is too far away!! Happy New Year!!

  2. Love the colors and textures.... beautiful.

  3. lol it is the same color in Colorado!! gorgeous photos Sharmon! xx's

  4. oh my dear friend...this is simply kind of post!!! Full of presence to the moment at hand. Thank you:)

  5. Even thouhg spring is too far away- you have made the best of it. These look to be from a fairyland. Have you painted images such as these?

    By the way my word verification is blume--- that is a creative way to bloom!

  6. These soft browns and greys--such delicate hues--are a welcome relief for eyes already tired of the relentless white of snow. Spring is too far away, indeed!

  7. So beautiful - some silver and bronze as well :) I'm wearing gray and brown as I sit here - I think they may be my favorite colors this season. Perhaps I'll come to Kentucky and move around incognito, shifting through the landscape!!
    Really, lovely images Sharmon.
    WIshing you a happy and heathy new year.
    xoxox K

  8. Absolutely elegantly yummy.
    photos and text poetry

  9. Great compositions with interesting textures and frames.


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