
Monday, December 20, 2010

Sol Invictus

The darkness will not last forever; all hail the undefeated Sun!

I can imagine the reverence, the joyous emotion of the ancient pagan people on this day, the shortest day of the year- the day they greeted the returning sun.  Each day following this will be a bit longer, hearts will be a bit lighter; slowly, slowly... the darkness lifts and light comes again to the earth.  Can you feel it?  The vibration, the barely perceptible thrumming of sleeping seeds as they prepare to awaken... in time...

Come the dawn, come the call
Come, the beating air
Chill the night, soldier light
We'll be dancing there
And rise up, rise up
Day stretching weary wings

Come the day, come the dawn
Somewhere it lays
Know my heart, know my life
Forget everything
Come the day, thief of the night
Lifts its voice to sing

Now rise up, rise up
Ever victorious
Know the time, know the light
Comes the sun again
Now rise up, rise up
Ever victorious
Know the time, know the light
Comes the sun again
                            - Thea Gilmore

 Sadly, I won't get to see the lunar eclipse, since it's snowing here; so, I tried to make my own, using Photoshop!  Oh, well... only another 94 years until the next time the lunar eclipse coincides with winter solstice...

 Have a blessed Solstice, everyone...


  1. Hi Sharmon,,,your photoshop version is fabulous!! Only 500 years from now..oh is that all.
    Lovely poem and video.........

  2. Your Photoshop version is much more dramatic than the actual eclipse probably was. Thanks for the reminder about the solstice too. It's a good feeling that the days are growing longer.

  3. A lovely post - and a good song for Solstice. I will be out in the snow, marking the longest night and calling back the light in the old way. Cloudy here, too, so didn't see the eclipse, but could and can feel some ancient pull and the shadow.... phew, I DO feel that today!

  4. just beautiful song, words and your piece all perfect for the solstice, well done Sharmon!

  5. Oh, your eclipse is stunning!! We couldn't see it, either. It's pouring 24/7 here!

    Happy Solstice to you!

  6. I love your created version - it's gorgeous!! Solstice blessings to you Sharmon :) hugs and love, Karin

  7. Sharmon I love your image!!! and the poem is wonderful...thank you so much for all that you have shared!

    bright blessings to you!

  8. I read it would happen again in 2094. Perhaps I had enough attention deficit working and got it wrong...
    I had very rainy skies here but at the point of total eclipse the skies opened for a minute and I got to see the red glow. It was the second time I've been fortunate to watch a total lunar eclipse, it's always a wonderous sight. I liked yours too. And I like that you reminded me that the days are getting longer, time for sun and spring I think.
    Merry Christmas!

  9. I LOVE your eclipse way better - and the poem, so lovely.
    Hope you've had a blessed and wonderful holiday (I agree, maybe next year I'll start sooner too:)

  10. Thanks for sharing this beautiful music and your photoshop creation :-)

  11. So glad I stopped by- I took some photos about an hour before the eclipse started- posted them on my blog and then promptly fell asleep. Oh well.- Your photo and words are just lovely.

  12. Love the photoshop images a lot!

    May we all enjoy 2011 as a Year of Peace in which the Arts thrive!


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