
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Transformation 44, undecided & unfinished...

This piece isn't quite finished, but it's getting there.  My main problem at this point is that I can't decide which way it should be oriented, vis a vis the whole up/down, top/bottom thing.  As usual, my pathetic indecisiveness has left me to ask you, my blogger friends, for your opinions.

So, here we go:

This way?

Or this way?

Thanks for the help!


  1. I quite like the top orientation, the fern form feels active in an expansive way. In contrast, the bottom orientation feels a bit like falling... the fern form falling or sinking. Lovely, either way... active or sinking!

  2. I like the first one best because it feels like the shapes are moving upward and a chance to connect. The second one feels as if everything is heading east...your call!
    Beautiful colors and shapes!

  3. I prefer the first one..... though I know you will make either way work.

  4. I prefer the top one as well. I like how the darker colors are on the left...and then my eyes move to the right, towards the light.

  5. Hi I love this piece its so beautiful. I think the first one works but its a personal preference and to be honest i would have equally loved this if you have chosen just one photograph of either and posted it. I think you should go with your instinct. its nearly always right
    Hugs June xx

  6. I seem to be in the majority here and choose the top one-- as more balanced- but love the leaf patterns.

  7. OK butting my head against consensus I liked 2 better, but...

  8. OK butting my head against consensus I liked 2 better, but...

  9. I decided on the first one before I saw the comments:) but if you aren't finished, turn off brain, turn on 'flow' and go with it - see what wondrous creations appear!

  10. Just found your wonderful blog and hope to revisit often.

    My opinion on which direction your piece should go..I'd say the first one but then again, I'd have to see the rest of the elements to make a proper judgment on that.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.