
Monday, August 2, 2010

And the winner is... ! + A Summer Collection Show

First, I want to express my thanks to everyone who entered my give away, and to my new followers.  I appreciate your kind and wonderful comments, and each and every one of your visits!

My daughter left before 4:00 yesterday, so the honor of choosing the winner fell to my dog, Scout.  As you can see, she was very excited about it.

Well, okay, maybe not so much.  But anyway, I took all the names and tossed them onto the floor, and the first one she sniffed was...

...deb, of Dryadarts Weblog!  Congratulations, Deb!  Email your address to me at, and I'll put your prizes in the mail ASAP.

Saturday, I took a piece to the Scott County Arts and Cultural Center for the exhibit A Summer Collection: Works from the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen.  The center is in a very old (and no laughing here) jail.  The building is on the historical register, and is soooo cool!

The gallery is in the front, which was actually the jailer's house, but I think they're trying to renovate the rest of the building as well.

This is the front of the Center, and it's just as beautiful on the inside.

Here's the poster for the show.  (They forgot to include my image, but oh well.)  Please come by if you get the chance!


  1. Cute dog...what a nice renovate on that building too. Hope the show goes well.......

  2. Congratulations to the winner Deb and to you about this 'Summer Collection Show'. The building looks interesting both front and back views. Will there be an opening?

  3. Congratulations on the show... and if you're pieces are for sale, much abundance to you!

  4. congratulations on the show, and congratulations to deb!
    it looks like you overworked the poor doggie :D

  5. I am cracking up at the look your dog is giving you. Sorry not to be able to see your show. Love those old maps, by the way. Do you have plans for them?

  6. That's the best gove away picker I've ever seen Sharmon!! Love it - congrats to Deb!!
    Wish I could come to your show. The building is very cool looking! WIshing you great success, a fun opening and a great showing :) xoxo K

  7. Sharmon--I am so happy to meet you! See...this is what I love about this blogging thing: you posted a comment, I check your blog out, and there you have it: common interests! I love that you talk about unity and connectedness. I love that you are a rock-hound (so am I). I also love maps and it seems that you do too. It was nice of you to do a give-away. I'm not sure how I feel about that stuff yet but I sure do like it when I see others do it. I'm just not sure people would be following me for what I give away or for what I have to say. Too much self-doubt I guess. So happy to meet you.

  8. Congrats on the show, Sharmon!! Love the doggy!!!

  9. I think Deb must have somehow slipped a bit of bacon grease onto her slip of paper... I demand a recount!

    Just kidding... Congrats to Deb.

    But mostly, congrats to you, Sharmon, for the show. Good luck and have fun!


  10. how bizarre - Georgetown is 25 minutes from my studio and I didn't hear a thing about the show - I'll try to check it out...
    here's hoping the comment will post!

  11. the dog looks toally underwhelmed Sharmon! What a buzz about the exhibition.

  12. Congrats to Deb and please stop making your poor dog work so dang hard for those bisquits.

    I love buildings that are graced to be placed onto the historic register...that was true for the location of my studio in the old pysch hospital...funny thing...jails and pysch hospitals being repurposed to house art and artists...hmmm.

    Will contemplate that the meantime...happy new followers and fab success at the 'jailhouse'.

  13. thanks Scout, you are officially my favorite dog friend :)

  14. Scout thanks you all for the compliments. Don't let her fool you though; she basically does nothing but lay around all day! She always sucks people in, because she has such human-like facial expressions!

    -Don, you crack me up! If there was even a drop of bacon grease on that slip of paper, it would be laying in front of her nose like that, believe me!

  15. Whitney, she looks underwhelmed because I haven't given her anything edible- just paper! Lol


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.