
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flutterbyes, Dragonflies, and a Give-Away

In my last post I mentioned that I'm doing a give-away when and if I get to 50 followers.  I don't really know why 50; I guess it's a round number (I like round things!), and seems like a good excuse to celebrate!  I will be giving away, among other things...

... some of my cool collage materials, including Asian book pages, joss papers, and hell notes;

... several pieces of various beautiful handmade papers (not all are pictured);

and something made by me, to be disclosed at a later time, like when I decide what it is!

I won't be posting for the next week or so, because I'm going to be on vacation, visiting my son in the Washington, DC area.  I'm sure I'll be seeing all kinds of interesting sights, and I'll post photos when I get back.  In the meantime, I'll leave you with some flutterbyes, who were having a huge party in back of the log house, while the dragonflies hung out by the pond.  Enjoy!


  1. You're one shy of your give away goal...congrats!

    The Dragonflies and butterflies are gorgeous...I love the close up of the draonflies wings...we live on the water and I am so dazzled by these beauties.

    have soooo much fun in DC. darlin'

  2. Your handmade papers are excellent. I love the texture. Enjoy the company of your son.

  3. Oh, Boy, Oh, Boy, you have some good stuff for this give-a-way! Have a great vacation and I'm sure when you get back you will have a new follower!

  4. I am so excited by this giveaway. I love handmade paperxHave a great holiday and we will hear from you when you get backxxlynda
    which is my daily photo blog
    is my art/craft blog
    enjoy Lyndax

  5. oh those handmade papers are gorgeous, and i've never seen asian papers like that available to me.

  6. What a wonderful giveaway...hope I am not tooo late to be in the drawing!!!!


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