
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Inspired By the Rain

As often happens in Springtime, it has rained here all weekend.  It started on Friday night, and rained all day Saturday.  Then, when it was finally finished, another storm came in right behind it.  If I look out the window right now... yep- still raining.  Somehow the rhythm of the rain got inside me.  All I could see, hear, think of, was rain.  This is what it became.

  Storm Front
Ingredients: monotype, Caran D'Ache crayons, watercolor pencils, acrylic ink, acetate, acrylic gel medium, PVA glue.  
6" x 10"

Let the rain kiss you.  Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.  Let the rain sing you a lullaby.  ~Langston Hughes

Rain! whose soft architectural hands have power to cut stones, and chisel to shapes of grandeur the very mountains.  ~Henry Ward Beecher


  1. It was raining here too all weekend, but i love the rain. :-) Your painting is beautiful. It expresses the feeling i experience when raining/storming.

  2. This says it all doesn't it?! Great color, great shapes. Langston Hughes is a favorite of mine.

  3. I can feel it. Looking at your painting brings memories of brewing storms ... anticipation of cocooning cosily inside against the storm.

  4. the sea, the sea - this is what it looks like!

  5. i think I can say I have had my fill of rain!! but this piece is splendid!!

  6. This is just beautiful Sharmon! I love the colors and the motion of the cloud form. I love the sound of spring rain too, don't you? so soft and breath. My favorite meditation music.

  7. I love the rain, especially summer rains..Your painting is wonderful.

  8. Thanks, everyone, for enjoying the rainy season with me!

  9. thanks for dropping by my blog. your work is beautiful, wonderful and ethereal and delicate. and another Taurean too! I do love the Buddha you have for your avatar.

    Sometimes I love the rain, but on the "wet coast" here we're hoping for some sun & heat these days!

  10. A beautiful rendition of rain Sharmon - it's beautifully inspired and expressed...


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