
Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day


  1. We are quite insane collectively are we not?
    Yet individually we can make a difference...thank you for this "gloriously wretched" song...and for all that you do to keep reminding us all to open our eyes and wake up to this jewel of a world we've been given to care take.

    Happy Earth Day everyday to you Sharmon.

  2. Thanks Sharmon! Happy Earth Day to you. Love the first picture of that gia-normous tree....gorgeous!

  3. Your tree is truly magnificent - may it never fall!! okay, we all fall one day, but may it live it's life fully and entirely.
    happy earth, happy days. xox

  4. Yes I did go to UK for my freshman year and was extremely blessed to have Wendell Berry as one of my professors at Jefferson Community College in Louisville. We were not able to afford to send me to main campus because I had 5 siblings coming after me. I ended up graduating from Kent State later in 1975. I will always be a wildcat at heart. Thank you Sharmon for stopping by my small blog. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  5. what stunning images and a powerful video celebrating earth day.


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