
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring Grove

A couple of weeks ago, when it was still extremely cold (sometimes referred to by me as "butt-freezing cold"), we went to a place in Cincinnati called Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum.  It consists of 733 acres of land, 400 of which are meticulously landscaped, containing everything from ponds and fountains to historical buildings. I was pretty surprised to learn that it was founded in 1845, and that the study of plants  was one of its main purposes from the beginning.  There are 1,200 species of plants grown there, including many "champion" trees (largest in the state or nation), and many that are over 100 years old!  Who knew?  Anyway, here are a few photos I took when I was there.

One of the historical limestone buildings on the grounds.

I just love the lions with snow on their heads!

A grove of bald cypress Trees.

This beautiful chapel was built by a beer baron.  Apparently Cincinnati had 32 breweries in 1875!  Again, who knew?

A side view of the same building. I attempted to make this one look like a pen and ink drawing.

A champion chinquapin oak.

There are angels to greet you everywhere.

Adolf Strauch, Spring Grove's first horticulturist, wrote:  "There is a certain poetic enchantment… powerfully felt by the beholder… among shady groves of ancient trees, whose trunks are encircled by the garland of eternity, the ivy, and where tuneful birds enliven the stillness of secret solitude."  

It really is quite a beautiful place.  I can't wait to go back in the spring when everything is blooming!


  1. I love angels, wherever and however! Mine is named Flex, short for "Flexible"...I've had him as my best friend for years. He almost ALWAYS comes through, even for parking and traffic lights! (I don't tell this often to Peeps!)

    Couple times you said, "Who knew?" Well, I knew--born and raised in Cincinnati, lived there 332 years, I mean 32 years LOL!!!

  2. what a beautiful place with such a variety of images-- trees, statues, arches, stone lions... so artistic

  3. awesome images Sharmon, just beautiful architecture and trees! love it all and yes, you will have to go back when it is all green!!

  4. I live in Cincinnati and belong to a hiking club - we hike there a couple of times per year. I love your water pictures - you're very talented!

  5. Wow Sharmon, thanks for the peek at Spring Grove. As a life-long Cincinnati area resident (I live in Loveland now), I have of course heard of it, but never been there or seen much of it. I'll have to make it a point to likewise check it out, especially since the snow lions have hopefully gone away for awhile (what a beautiful day today).

  6. a beautiful collection and I think you were successful in capturing the feeling of a pen and ink drawing.

  7. Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate your comments, and I'll be going back to Spring Grove soon to see the buds of Spring!

    Don, if you're interested in plants, you should definitely make the trip.

    Sherry, thanks for visiting. It looks like a great place to hike, walk, etc.; I plan to do some of that this summer. Maybe I'll see you there!

  8. Wonderful photos Sharmin! The black and white brought the Munsters to mind for me (that's how my mind works...too much tv as a child...we had a black and white set in the play room!) The angel photo is so dramatic! Can't wait to see the contrast between these and the spring/summer versions/visions:)

  9. I've found that old cemeteries have the most amazing architecture and love spending time in them.
    The lion gargoyles are spectacular with their snow hats.
    I think we may be a bit, birds of a feather :D

  10. I was absent for a few days, but now ever so delighted. Yepp it is place of enchantment, serenity and eternity of universe.
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