
Monday, March 29, 2010

Goodbye, Winter

As promised, more photos from Spring Grove.

On a beautiful, bright Saturday in March, it seemed Spring had finally come to stay.

After a long, hard winter, you could almost hear a sigh of relief from the land itself.

 The birds confirmed the departure of winter by coming back to build new nests.

Contented ducks glide lazily across the pond.

I must include, of course, one of my water abstracts.  I think the lines and patterns in this one are especially lovely.  Must be the ducks that did it!


  1. Those are beautiful! Hope your week is blessed.

  2. Fabulous and calming...perfect for stepping into the new season.

  3. just glorious photos of spring and your abstracts is wonderful!

  4. OMG those are just GORGEOUS photos!! You make me want to be there so bad :) I can imagine climbing out on that limb in the second photos, sitting out over the water, watching the birds float under the bridge it makes... a moment of sweet peace.

  5. I love your photos because they are so personal and reflect the artistic eye as well as the natural form, and I happened upon a reference to the book "Beauty in the Grove" just published in January, and thought I would post the link here:

    I encourage you to keep up with your looking and interpreting - it's inspiring.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.