
Monday, February 22, 2010

Little Things

I've noticed lately that lots of people think they need lots of things.  In fact, it seems many Americans live by the "The more things I have, the happier I'll be," axiom.  And of course, bigger is always better, or so the thinking goes.  Why settle for a 2500 square-foot house when you could have a 5000 square-foot house?  How can a 37 inch TV suffice when you could get a 64 inch?  After all, you never know when you might need to watch TV from 100 yards away...

Well, maybe I'm getting old.  The older I get, the more happiness I get from the little things.  I mean, really little things.  Some of them are even...well... free.  I'll give you an example.  Last week, my son's girlfriend, Lindsey, sent me a Valentine card- one of the kind that kids buy for their classmates in school, and a bag of fun-size m&m's.  She mailed them in an envelope with little dog stickers on it.

How sweet is that?  (btw, check out her sweet blog, Adventures of the Cookie Girl.

Snow days- highly enjoyable, and we don't have to pay anyone for the snow; it falls out of the sky!

Very cool wire-and-snow sculpture: absolutely free!

Another little pleasure is music- not always free, but I downloaded the MP3 of  this, my current favorite song, for a thrifty 99 cents.

Maybe I am getting senile, but it seems to me that these little pleasures bring me more genuine smiles than almost anything.  Something else that makes me smile: blogger friends who try to answer my questions!


  1. love your fence in snow photo! it is the little things that are important!

  2. After all these years, I'm still learning from you, and after these many months of following your re-emergence through your blog, it continues to be a highlight of my "online experience". I look forward to each posting and fresh perspective. While I can't help much (except *appreciate*) on the finer points of art, I encourage you to keep "sharing, daring and caring" in these little things and the bigger things.

  3. I really like the new look! Also, thank for making me smile with this post!

  4. My favourite song too, but I like the Leonard Cohen version.

    If you decide to jump into art journaling, please give me a heads up. I'd love to see what you do.

  5. have been reading Seth's Secret Sunday and found your recommendation for Multimedia art board which sounds very intriguing-- thanks for the tip.

  6. I just found your blog and I do enjoy your writing. It seems we have a lot in common with our thoughts. Our society has a problem with "gratefulness" It doesn't require more just being grateful for what you do have.

  7. Wonderful snow fence!!
    The older I get the more I want to wallow in simpicity.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.