
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Still Working On It

Remember this?  In previous posts I shared my compositional woes and color conundrums as I tried to work my way through the third in my "Traveler's Tale" series.  I thought this would be the easiest one, but I guess I still haven't gotten past that learning curve, if you know what I mean.  

I was really hoping to finish this before Christmas; there are other ideas I want to start working on before my break is over.  Also, this is what my drafting table looks like right now, and there's no sense in putting anything away when I'm going to need it again in five minutes. What a mess, huh? I decided I didn't like the map I'd chosen for the traveler figure, and I thought she was too small as well.

So, I enlarged her, and decided to cut her out of a blue map, using red for the shadow value.  I thought these colors would look more like the ones you see in fairy tale books or medieval paintings.  However, I tried several different reds, and they all looked pretty icky.  I didn't take pictures of these incarnations; believe me, you're not missing anything.

So, this is where I am now.  (Sorry, this picture is pretty wonky.)  Her hair is still one of the horrible reds I tried; I haven't changed that yet.  I couldn't think of anything else to do except to make the shadow value purple.  Green was the only other possibility, but I was afraid it would not contrast enough with the background, or with the blue.  I've also added some more fairy tale-ish elements to the piece, such as the dragons, the book with evil queen inside, the mirror, apples, flowers, and a story-book border...

What do you think?  If you have any ideas, please let me know.  Maybe, with your help, I'll finish it by Christmas!


  1. OMG.... It's unbelievable! I love it! Can't wait to see the finished product!!
    I hope your holidays are wonderful Sharmon!!

  2. Wow, I am continually inspired not only by your work, but also by your willingness to let others "peek behind the scenes" and participate in the creative process. Not only that, I feel better about my own creative workspace! =) Happy holidays.

  3. this is looking so much better, you're right about the scale of the woman and the bits you've added really do give it a medieaval look. Have a lovely holiday!!

  4. Sharmon, I love the way this is turning out and I think her red hair is so eye catching.... yes, keep going it is wonderful!

  5. Thanks, Don, and I'm so glad my huge mess makes you feel better! lol

  6. I'm enjoying watching the evolution Sharmon - it's coming together beautifully!!
    Wishing you all the best of the holidays!
    xox Karin

  7. I love it too! You were right about changing the scale and I love the red hair, the purple and the added elements. Looking forward to seeing the completed piece.

    Wishing you happy holidays,Sharmon.

  8. I like it too. I love to see your process, thanks for sharing that.

    I also agree, her size is much better.

    I think the red in her hair is working, all you need are some browner bits, like shadow parts. Maybe relate it to the tower roof.

    I am excited to see it finished!

  9. so, i've gone all the way back and i'm following this project (happily knowing that by now, you've already finished it, so i don't have to wait), but i had to stop here to say, what an amazing creation! i love this so much, and thank you a *ton* for explaining the steps along the way!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.