
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Rocky Mountain Memories

Some of you may recall that I took a trip to Glacier National Park last summer.  Since I came back, I think about the mountains literally every day.  I had a medical procedure done this morning, and am still pretty loopy, so I thought it might be best to just post some images from my trip.  Enjoy!

I love looking at these; what great memories!  I might do this every once in a while- I took over 500 pictures!


  1. All best with your healing from the procedure...since you're 'loopy' we win by having the chance to see the glorious landscape of Glacier through your eyes...these fotos are wondrous.

  2. Wow Sharmon, these images are just breathtaking - I can see why you literally think of these mountains daily!
    Wishing you well as you recover.

  3. I have to say that living in CO, we adore our mountains and your photos are stunning, thanks for sharing and I say YES, PLEASE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE!
    feel better soon...


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