
Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Traveller

Here is the finished version. I darkened parts of the background to hopefully lead the eye back toward the figure, and balance the visual "weight" of the birds. (Thanks, Michael!) What do you think?


  1. A wonderful, excellent composition. Not to read too much into it, but it speaks to me of a number of "horizons" and varying "degrees of freedom" between the ships (2 degrees), birds (3 degrees) and The Traveller (infinite degrees), all of which can journey beyond the 2 degrees of freedom of the piece itself. Lots of possibilities for all Travellers. Thanks for sharing the development/creative process.

  2. Old Friend,
    Thanks! I like your interpretation, which pretty much coincides with mine. BTW, why is your identity a secret?

  3. Hi Sharmon, sometimes all it takes are those subtle tweeks! My lap top screen doesn't give the best view of things - so it's hard for me to see the changes but I'm sure you have achieved that extra emphasis you were going for. My eye certainly settles back with the figure each time I take in the other details. It's a very cool piece that speaks to me - taking me on travels my body can't make. I like Old Friend's interpretations, too!
    wishing you wellness, Karin
    (Thanks for you comments, I did respond :)

  4. Not a secret, but the default name of my Google shopping cart account I was using to post didn't seem appropriate at the start, so I thought I'd try something else. Sorry for the mystery!

    Still your Old Friend,


  5. Wonderful piece Sharmon. The layering, the color palette and the composition all combine so well.

  6. I like both versions though I do agree that the second accomplishes what you set out to do; it's funny how we really know what a piece needs whether it comes across in comments and suggestions.
    Great piece!

  7. Thanks, everyone. Your time and help are very much appreciated:)

  8. were the best judge of the piece...your adjustments made it stronger yet.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.