
Thursday, April 2, 2009

More Photoshop Weirdness

My very slow Photoshop education continues...mostly by trial and error. But I am learning, and having fun when I don't get too frustrated.
Here's the photo I stated with. I wanted to make the ripples more prominent,

which led me to this. Of course, I have to keep pushing it, just to see what happens.

After several incarnations, it's starting to look pretty strange and science fiction-y. But I don't stop yet...

Okay, this is too weird, even for me.

I decided to go with the science fiction theme here. I wanted to test my skills and see if I could make it look like the moon was coming out of, (or going into) the water.

It could certainly use some improvement, but I'm making progress! what do you think?


  1. Very cool Sharmon. It is fun to experiment with those tools we have at our disposal.

  2. Found you from Seth's Blog.....very cool....I am also playing with are way ahead of me! Thanks for sharing

  3. Sharmon- you're really getting pretty darn good with PS. I liked the whole sci-fi theme, great image.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.