
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Art Teacher

Over the holiday break, I tried to make some headway against the general disarray/disorganization of my "stuff". A teacher friend I was talking to was doing the same thing, and was somewhat dismayed that she was unable to throw away so much of her students' work that she was running out of room to store it. I know exactly what she meant; these things contain so many emotions and memories, so much of the kids' and our own hearts and souls that it's difficult to part with them.

While going through some boxes in my basement, I came across some samples of student artwork I had saved. I was struck by the realization that I was actually not such a bad art teacher after all, and that I came up with some fairly innovative projects. I found these two examples of a collage assignment, and thought they showed a lot of creativity, as well as being pretty amusing. Anyway, they made me smile; I hope they do the same for you.

1 comment:

  1. these are very clever and funny...I love that part about working with kids.


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