
Sunday, November 30, 2008

more multiples (the edge of november)

Cloud Sunflower

It's a cold, gloomy,
gray, drizzly day
on the edge
of November
and even worse
it's Sunday
So I have to go
to work

Metal Sunflower

Summer's heat and
soft, buttery,
yellow light
are gone
and the sky is hard,
the color of

Ink Sunflower

Last summer is far
away and long ago,
a faint
like the taste of salt
on my tongue
or glittering on
my skin.

Glowing Sunflower

But I can wait
and remember
and think
of yellow things

1 comment:

  1. These are really beautiful - especially accompanied by your poetic words. You've captured the passing remnant of summer, as if through the eyes of each season. pretty cool!


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