
Friday, August 29, 2008


Another new piece- I hope you enjoy it.
Size: 12"x14"
Medium: monotype collage
Price: $295.00

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Path of the Eclipse

Size: 14.5" x 19.5"
Medium: monotype collage
Price: $295.00 (no mat or frame)

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Old Riverside Building

Griffin in Front of Old Cotton Exchange

Historical Savannah was a beautiful glimpse back into the history of our nation, but don't go in the middle of summer unless you enjoy heatstroke! It was still worth it, though.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Illuminated Portal

I thought I'd share some of my recent artwork. I haven't made any more of the smaller pieces lately, but hope to get back to it soon. Enjoy!

Size: 8.5" x 17"
Medium: monotype collage
Price: $289.00 (no mat or frame)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Galactic Mandala

This piece combines two of my foremost interests, science and spirituality. I feel that these cannot be separated from one another, whether you believe that God created this magnificent universe, or you believe that this universe IS God. Either way, they form an indivisible whole; nature in all its forms reveals the divine. We are each sacred parts of the whole, and are dependent upon ALL parts for our survival.

Size: 11" x 11"
Medium: Watercolor and acrylic ink with collage
Price: $175.00 without mat

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mine's cooler!

This post is just a bit of a joking competition with my son Colin, who called last night and told me he had taken the "coolest" photo of a praying mantis. I said, "NUH-UH, it can't be cooler than mine." It actually did turn its head and look at me- and it appears to be smiling! So here it is- you be the judge. To see Colin's praying mantis, go to
  • his blog.
  • Tuesday, August 5, 2008


    Okay, I couldn't resist putting some vacation pics on here. The ocean gives me a sense of profound peace; I hope looking at these can evoke a bit of that same feeling for you.

    Monday, August 4, 2008

    Slideshow: Angels and Spirits

    My daughter made this slideshow for me of some of my pieces which have related themes or images. My son added the music, and- VOILA! Hey, don't laugh; I uploaded it all by myself! Thanks, Caitlin and Colin; you are awesome.